Friday, February 13, 2009

I So Suck.

I done it this time. Today was Erin's Valentine's Day Party. Her school is closed tomorrow for a teacher inservice day, so the festivities were today. and I forgot. We didn't make any cards or little treat bags for her to bring in for her classmates. Everyone else in her class got to walk around and put their envelopes in the made-for-the-occasion pink and red decorated gift bags except my little girl. She was the only one in the class without any thing to give out. I screwed up big time. It just slipped my mind. She is only in 2nd grade, and I am so upset that my baby missed out on something. She was in a Jewish daycare/kindergarten for the 1st 6 years of her life and didn't have Valentine's parties, so I am making up for lost time here and I blew it.

She took it pretty well and was completely fine. One of the other girls ended up being out sick, so Erin got to hand out her cards...but still... I feel like the worst-mother-in-the-world. I am the mother other mothers talk about. The little Indian boy, well his mom apparently also forgot, and he brought in plain white security envelopes with 2 quarters in it and just his "from John Doe" on the outside. If I hadn't forgotten cards, I would so be talking smack about that kid. Yeah, I am worse than that even. Mother of the Year for 2009 is over for me. Looks like I have to wait until 2010 to try again.


Captain Dumbass said...

Ugh. I almost forgot too. Oh well, just another reason for her to hate you in her teens. Cheer up!

Fragrant Liar said...

I wish I could forget.

I feel your pain though, Mama. I once forgot to drop off some change for my 6-year-old's two front teeth. Tooth Fairy kept forgetting -- for three nights, and he didn't show up until my daughter finally wrote him a letter expressing her undying love. THEN, he left her a couple bucks. What kind of lesson did I teach her? Yeesh.

jan williams said...

Awww Stuff like this happens girl! Believe me you are no where near being a bad Mom!!! Look at the woman who just had eight more kids just to get money..LOL Love your banner picture!!!

Bee said...

I know there is nothing we can say to make you feel better but I bet ya next year you will have post it notes, memos and reminders all over the place. :o)

McMommy said...

Can I just say how I laughed out loud reading the "If I hadn't forgotten the cards, I would've been talking smack about her."

Your honesty is awesome. And hilarious.

Live Simply Mommy said...

Ha, I saw this link on McMommy's site... Ironically I had posted a link to my post "World's Worst Mom" which included... forgetting my daughters Valentines! I guess we've all been there!

Carrin said...

Hopefully the thing she'll remember is allthe stuff she GOT and not the stuff FORGOT.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better, they give out more than one of those awards. I would know this because I have recieved 1 for the past 2 years in a row. Aw, don't be so hard on yourself. We all can't be perfect...just the ones who send V-day cards with their kids. Or at least 2 quarters. Kidding!
Stopped by from McMommy's POW!

Patrice said...

lol aww! Don't beat yourself up! She won't even remember this eventually! Plus there is still plenty of time in 2009 to redeem yourself for mother of the year!

Spin Mama said...

So sorry for your tough V-Day time. She'll be fine, especially if you are. My little one was so excited to give out candy with hers -- only to find out I bought "banned" candy. We got sent home with Valentines and an admonishment.